BlueCielo Meridian GCF/SharePoint 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Configuring the Meridian Enterprise processors

The settings that control the Meridian Enterprise processors are configured in an .ini file. A default .ini file is installed by the processor setup program. There should be one .ini file for each local vault that collaborates with other vaults. The files can have any name. The location of this .ini file will be specified when the Windows scheduled tasks are created.

The .ini file contains multiple sections, each of which is described in the following topics.

Related tasks

Specifying the path for imported documents

Specifying the SharePoint document library

Automatically enlisting a SharePoint site

Configuring collaborating sites

Configuring the import and export processors

Mapping SharePoint columns to Meridian Enterprise properties

Mapping SharePoint content types to Meridian Enterprise document types

Configuring the general settings

Configuring the export settings

Configuring the import settings

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